Warranty Policy

All products have a warranty policy attached depending on the warranty conditions of the product at the time customers order at the website, different types of products will enjoy different policies.

1. Warranty period

1.1. Hardware (Devices, boxes, accessories, gifts)

  • The product is warranted for 180 days from the time the customer receives the product
  • Return within 7 days from the date of receipt if the fault is from the manufacturer.

1.2. Software (Window, drivers, software packages, individual software)

  • Warranty period is 365 days from the date both parties confirm the software has come into operation
  • In the case of a replacement warranty for a new product, the warranty termination period will not change.

2. Product warranty conditions

2.1. Hardware

  • The product is still in the warranty period
  • Damage caused by manufacturer defect
  • Warranty stamps, product seals are still intact, not erased and disassembled.
  • The product must be intact, with no signs of impact and disassembly
  • The serial number of the product to be warranted must match the serial number on the warranty card
  • Customers must contact technical support to check and confirm the error and condition of the goods before returning the product to the warranty warehouse.

2.2. Software

  • The product is still under warranty
  • The software does not have errors due to conflicts with other software installed by the customer.
  • In the process of using the software, the customer is absolutely not allowed to arbitrarily perform the following operations:
  • Update, reinstall Windows
  • Disassemble or replace the hard drive with a new one during use
  • Firmware Upgrade
  • Use the software to connect to more devices than the original
  • Upgrade software version
  • Customers must immediately contact the technical support team to check when detecting errors to ensure the software is not caused by external factors.

3. The conditions for the product to be returned

  • Main equipment is new, no scratches, no decals, decorations…
  • The box is like new, not dented, torn, broken, written, drawn, wrapped with tape. The serial number on the box needs to match the device body.
  • Accessories, gifts: full, intact, not dented, not scratched.
  • Full warranty card and accompanying accessories (10% off total bill if lost accessories)
  • Errors from the manufacturer: Power failure, damage to the mainboard, hard drive, screen and internal hardware components such as: striped screen, loss of touch, unconnected device, …
  • In case the machine does not power on or the error cannot be determined, it is necessary to transfer the device to the company’s warranty center for evaluation before making a decision to exchange or return the goods.


It is necessary to contact our customer service so that we can determine the problem with your item and what assistance you need from us.

All requests for refunds or exchanges must be made within 14 days of receipt of the product.

4. Repair Policy

4.1. Hardware

  • The product has a warranty confirmation from the technical support department and guarantees that the product is warranted in section 2.
  • The customer is responsible for and all shipping costs to our warehouse to perform the repair
  • After the inspection and repair is completed, we will be responsible for sending the goods to the customer
  • The repair time is 20 days from the date of receipt (not counting the time to send the goods back to the customer).

4.2. Software

  • The product has a warranty confirmation from the technical support department and guarantees that the product is warranted in section 2.
  • Customers need to contact technical support to determine the problem and the problem that needs our assistance
  • It is the customer’s responsibility to assist technicians during remote troubleshooting
  • Time to fix and repair 7 days

5. Return and Refund Policy

5.1. Refund Policy

  • For software: If there is a problem with the software, please contact us to conduct an inspection. Within 5 days if the technical team cannot fix the problem we will remove the software and refund the customer.
  • For hardware:Within 14 days from the date of receipt of the product, if there is a problem, the customer should contact us immediately to check the goods. If we are unable to repair within 7 days, the buyer needs to return the entire package received. Once the item has been shipped, the full value of the order will be refunded within 3 days. After 14 days, in case it cannot be repaired, we will support 1:1 exchange for customers and retain the product warranty period.

5.2. Cancellation Policy

In the following cases, the buyer will be refunded the full amount on the paid invoice:

  • The order is waiting for confirmation from the technical department
  • Orders are being prepared
  • The order has been prepared but has not been shipped yet

Where the order is already in transit, the buyer is responsible for the two-way shipping costs.

If you want to cancel your order, please contact customer service to confirm whether the order has been sent and to cancel the order through the customer service staff.